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Using SMMS Image Hosting

As an example of a remote API image hosting, this article will show you how to quickly integrate SMMS image hosting with Qexo for one-click uploads.

API Address

Refer to the documentation. The API endpoint for SM.MS is:

POST Parameters

Refer to the Parameters section to view the parameters in the request body.

smfilefileDefault value: multipart/form-data
formatStringReturn Type: json or xml, the default value is json

The type file indicates that the image file stream should be under the smfile field:



Refer to the documentation’s Success-Response.

    "success": true,
    "code": "success",
    "message": "Upload success.",
    "data": {
        "file_id": 0,
        "width": 4677,
        "height": 3307,
        "filename": "luo.jpg",
        "storename": "D5VpWCKFElUsPcR.jpg",
        "size": 801933,
        "path": "/2019/12/16/D5VpWCKFElUsPcR.jpg",
        "hash": "Q6vLIbCGZojrMhO2e7BmgFuXRV",
        "url": "",
        "delete": "",
        "page": ""
    "RequestId": "8A84DDCA-96B3-4363-B5DF-524E95A5201A"

It is clear that the image URL we need should be under data url:


Custom Request Headers

The documentation describes the following:

Content-TypeStringDefault value: multipart/form-data

The Content-Type has a default value and can be left empty, while Authorization is a required field for authentication. According to the documentation, you need to include an authorization header in the request. Assuming my API key is abcdefg123456, it should be:

{"Authorization": "abcdefg123456"}

Custom Request Body

Refer to the POST Parameters.

smfilefileDefault value: multipart/form-data
formatStringReturn Type: json or xml, the default value is json

Since smfile has already been filled in and format defaults to json, this section can be left empty.

Custom Prefix

The SM.MS image hosting used in this tutorial does not require this configuration and can be left empty.

Now, you have completed all configurations. In fact, remote API image hosting setups are quite similar, and you can use this tutorial to easily configure others.