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Frequently Asked Questions

What is an API Key?

After completing the initialization, you can modify/create an API key in the settings interface. The API key is used for authentication in Webhooks. If left blank, the system will randomly generate an API key.

Why isn’t my newly created article displayed? | How does Qexo ensure files are up-to-date?

Qexo has introduced a caching mechanism to speed up access. You can clear the cache in the settings or set up a Webhook to automatically clear the cache.

What is a Webhook?

In Qexo, a Webhook refers to /api/webhook and is used for automated operations, currently available for automatically clearing the cache.

Installation results in a 504 Timeout

  1. Your database is either not configured correctly or has not allowed access from all IP addresses in the whitelist. You can modify this in the MongoDB console. Be sure to redeploy after making changes.
  2. Delete and recreate the database, ensuring the region is AWS / N. Virginia (us-east-1).

Encountering a 5xx Error after Installation/Update

Each Qexo release undergoes testing in the Dev branch, so major issues are generally rare. If you encounter a 500 or similar error, try the following steps:

  1. Check database configuration.
  2. Clear browser cache / program cache.
  3. On the /settings.html page, check the blog service provider configuration and click save.
  4. On the /advanced.html page, click the "Repair" button.
  5. If unable to log in, use the API: /pub/fix?token=(Your API Key).
  6. Retain the environment variables for database configuration and redeploy.
  7. Redeploy the entire program.
  8. Try the Dev branch.

AssertionError("xxx object ... its id attribute is set to None.")

Check if you've ever used version 0.01 or 0.1. These versions have serious issues. Please recreate the database and redeploy.

How to create an article in a subdirectory

In the article name field, fill in dir/filename. For example, if you want to create source/_posts/about/, you need to enter about/me.

KeyError: 'XXX'

This indicates that the "XXX" environment variable was not obtained. Please add it according to the table below and then Redeploy.

DOMAINSThe allowed secure domain names for communication. Note the double quotes and English half-width characters.["", "", ""]
MONGODB_HOSTMongoDB database connection addressmongodb+srv://
MONGODB_PORTMongoDB database communication port, default is 2701727017
MONGODB_USERMongoDB database usernameabudu
MONGODB_DBMongoDB database nameCluster0
MONGODB_PASSMongoDB database passwordJWo0xxxxxxxx

GitHub configuration validation errors

If you encounter problems in the configuration, you can visit the HPP Validation Helper to self-check the configuration. If confirmed correct, check if there are already published articles in the repository.

Note: The GitHub repository must be the one used for automated deployment of your blog source code.

Vercel usage issues

Vercel's serverless function usage is sufficient for Qexo, but it can't stop malicious attacks. Therefore, it's important to protect your backend address. Fortunately, Vercel won't charge you without permission, so after resources are depleted, no fees will be incurred. If you're still concerned, you can consider deploying on your own server #Server Deployment#.

Online update failed

Check whether the VERCEL_TOKEN and PROJECT_ID in advanced settings are correctly set for the Qexo deployment project.

My CDN is Down

If you are using a .top domain, please do not attempt to use CNPM as the CDN source, as this can cause critical problems. If the unfortunate event has already occurred, you can recover using the command:

python shell

Then run the following Python script:

from hexoweb.functions import get_setting, save_setting
save_setting('CDN_PREV', "{version}/qexo")

Forgot Administrator Password

If you have unfortunately forgotten your administrator password, you can change it directly using the built-in command line:

python changepassword [user_name]

Other Issues

If you have more questions, you can submit an issue or join the HexoPlusPlus community group to ask.

If you are unable to join the QQ group through the link, please use the group number 467731779.